Yuh / Enlil / Yaweh (Individual)BooksThe Seeders: pp. 5, 25WebsiteDebunkApocalypse. The Final Battle and the Great Disclosure November 13 2022The Council of the Shining Ones. October 30 2022Messages from the star nations for 2023. Galactic Federation of Worlds personnel and friends. January 01 2023Interstellar Contacts: EaInterstellar Contacts: Council of Alnilam: AnnaxWebinarsQ&A Webinar #14: - Jan 14 2024: Once upon a time, the most beautiful of all angels fell to the dark side and led a war against his father. Lies about his true identity were weaved around him to spread confusion. It is now about time to bring the truth on who was Lucifer. Dip into the hidden history of mankind with Elena Danaan Webinar #21 "Special Uncensored Q&A" Sunday October 6th 2024VideosStar Nation News 50 ~ October 14th 2024Star Nation News 53 ~ November 11 2024Star Nation News 54 ~ 25 11 2024ConferencesGSIC 2 2023: Orlando (USA): Atlantis resurgenceGSIC 3 2024: Westminster (Colorado, USA): Dr. Salla & JP: Mission Update (short intervention by Elena Danaan)
BooksThe Seeders: pp. 5, 25WebsiteDebunkApocalypse. The Final Battle and the Great Disclosure November 13 2022The Council of the Shining Ones. October 30 2022Messages from the star nations for 2023. Galactic Federation of Worlds personnel and friends. January 01 2023Interstellar Contacts: EaInterstellar Contacts: Council of Alnilam: AnnaxWebinarsQ&A Webinar #14: - Jan 14 2024: Once upon a time, the most beautiful of all angels fell to the dark side and led a war against his father. Lies about his true identity were weaved around him to spread confusion. It is now about time to bring the truth on who was Lucifer. Dip into the hidden history of mankind with Elena Danaan Webinar #21 "Special Uncensored Q&A" Sunday October 6th 2024VideosStar Nation News 50 ~ October 14th 2024Star Nation News 53 ~ November 11 2024Star Nation News 54 ~ 25 11 2024ConferencesGSIC 2 2023: Orlando (USA): Atlantis resurgenceGSIC 3 2024: Westminster (Colorado, USA): Dr. Salla & JP: Mission Update (short intervention by Elena Danaan)