Elena Danaan
Galactic & Terran index
With more than 1205 entries
What is the "Elena Danaan galactic and Terran index"?
​Elena Danaan's work and voluntary engagement
"Elena Danaan's galactic and Terran index" (with her permission) references all the sources of information shared by the official civilian emissary of the Oraa Nataru Shari (Galactic Federation of Worlds): books, website, articles, interstellar contacts transcripts and descriptions, workshops, webinars, conferences, English and French YouTube channels with Star Nation News videos and much more.
If you want to know more about Elena Danaan and the veracity of her information, you are invited to read the fantastic research and web article written by Dan Willis, offering clear, tangible scientific proofs, evidence and corroborations of Elena Danaan's work and claims.
Why this index and how does it work?
On an voluntary basis, I designed, compile and maintain daily, this electronic index and bibliography in order to make easily accessible to all, the extremely rich corpus of information Elena Danaan is courageously offering to the Terrahu (human Terrans), with thousands of hours of voluntary work on her part since 2019.
The index prioritizes the terms used by the star nations themselves (if that term is known), while the Terran appellations are presented in parenthesis: i.e. Zenatean Alliance (Andromedan Council).
The aim is to familiarize Terrans with the appropriate terminology used throughout the galaxy Nataru (the Milky Way), since civilians will soon be in contact with our galactic brothers and sisters and we will actively participate in galactic life, trade, explorations and be part of its alliances.
For a more in depth description of the terms and their Terran equivalents, simply click on the brief appellations of the index's listing (classified in alphabetical order) or use the search box for any term.
The nature of each topic/term had to be precised with: "people", "star", "constellation", "individual", etc. to avoid any confusion. Indeed, in our expansive universe, both a star and a planet could be bearing the same name.
Furthermore, Elena Danaan reminds us that constellations could be described as imagined designs in the sky based on the Terran local perspective. They have no scientific geographical reality for other star nations.
Indeed, often the stars that compose "constellations" can be hundreds of light years away from each other and do not compose a real star cluster like the Manahu (Pleaides) do. Hence the absence of indigenous galactic terms for them in the index.
This index is a long-term endeavor and is under construction. It implies still hundreds of hours of voluntary work to update it on a daily basis, since it is needed to go through all of Elena Danaan's written and video material to index the terms.
I therefore ask for your indulgence and patience with much gratitude.
Abigaëlle Richard
October 18th 2024